Board of Directors

The BPHOA Board of Directors (“Board”) is composed of nine lot owners from the association elected in accordance with the Bylaws.  Each position is a three-year term, with three positions open each year to allow for both continuity and accountability.

BPHOA Officers

The Officers of the BPHOA Board of Directors include the President, Vice-President, Secretary, and Treasurer.  The Officers are elected by the Board, in accordance with the Bylaws, after the election of new Board members at the Annual Meeting in November.
2024 Board of Directors and Officers:

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President: Dale Elevatorski (2024-2027)
Vice-President: Brad Kronsbein (2023-2025)
Secretary: Brad Minot (2021-2024)
Treasurer: Mandy Gist (2022-2024)
Director: Kim Meyer (2024-2027)
Director: Brian Burt (2022-2024)
Director: Jimmy Taylor (2022-2025)
Director: Ron Bowlin (2024)
Director: Charlie Hensley (2024)

Board meetings take place 2nd Wednesday of the month at 6:30 pm.  The location rotates among the board members’ residences, so watch for the sign at the front entrance announcing the date, time, and location each month.

Following is the agenda template that the Board follows for meetings:


I.  Call Meeting to order/Opening remarks

II.  Approval of Minutes

III.  Treasurer’s Report

IV.  President’s Report

V.   Committee Reports (ARC, Welcoming Committee)

VI.   Old Business

VII.   New Business

VIII.   Announcements

IX.     Comments from the Floor  
          (Around the room in order)

X.      Adjournment